Level 3

Lesson 2

Riddle Poems

Let’s write some riddles! These are super fun to write and think of, and you can try to solve other people’s riddles too!


Send in your poem!

Send in your riddle poem(s) here to display it as an example below!

If you’d like to send in a picture instead, please email ipoettreeck@gmail.com with your name and anything else you’d like to share!

Please add in any paragraph breaks/formatting.


Try to guess!

For this lesson, you can try to guess what different poems might mean.

Like always, please be respectful!


Poems Shared by You

Cassidy K., Age 14, Grade 10

This is an example

Later, poems will be ample

This is an example guess - Cassidy K, Age 14

This is an example guess - Cassidy K, Age 14


Simile Poems